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Cogeneration Plant

Environmental  protection necessities  and  regulations in accompany  to optimizing of fuel consumption  is the basis in  recent industrial  research of designing and system developing in power generation industry.
Lots of  technologies  have  been  introduced   to  achieve   better  fuel consumption figures and reduction of environmental pollution  among  these technologies CHP is one of the most important which increase sharply the efficiency of fuel consumption and also in  this regard better   reduction in pollution .Using gas engines in CHP increase the reduction of pollution largely.
The basis of this technology is on recovering of lost energy in form of heat and using this heat for consumption of hot or chilled water by using heat exchangers in water jacket circuits of internal combustion engines and also exhaust outlet of those engines.
The basis of this technology is on recovering of lost energy in form of heat and using this heat for consumption of hot or chilled water by using heat exchangers in water jacket circuits of internal combustion engines and also exhaust outlet of those engines. H


The outputs of heat exchangers in recovery circuit in both water jacket circuit and exhaust is hot water while using absorptions which use hot water, CHP system can be used also for chilling purposes. H

Energy balance in CHP system shows recovering of 56%-57% lost energy and increasing the efficiency of system up to 91%  instead of 34% power production in  standard power generating systems using internal combustion engines. H


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In some cases for balancing  the power consumption and hot water consumption  in CHP system, using a dump radiator is recommended. H


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CHP <- Products

Cogeneration Plant
